By Gary Miller
I can remember my first solo deer hunting trip. I sat in a maple tree that was only about 50 yards from an oak tree that was flooded with acorns. The path to that oak made its way right under my tree stand. I remember sitting there in an old Baker climbing stand that thankfully was later stolen by someone while hunting in Alabama (they probably saved my life). Everything about that hunt was new. Every effort was my first. Every situation was a fresh experience. I had ideas and thoughts, but they came only from other’s experiences and not my own. I spent those few hours looking at everything around me from a different perspective and position. The weeks before that day I had listened to others, watched hunters on TV, and had shot my bow as I was taught. Now I was on my own and there was no one to look for answers. I was so new, not only did I not know the answers, but I didn’t even know the questions. Have you ever been there?
There’s no doubt some who are reading this right now are living in a period of confusion. The cause of this confusion is not important – it all has to do with the need for answers. The problem is that you have prayed and prayed for answers to no avail. It seems as if you have maneuvered words and phrases thinking this would be the difference. You have assumed every position of humility to somehow show God how serious you are, and yet, still no answer. Now you are simply spent. You want to pray. You want to ask God. You want answers. But now you are not even sure you know what questions to ask. There is hope, however, for the believer.
God has given us the person of the Holy Spirit for situations like these. Here’s how the Apostle Paul explains it. “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.” (Romans 8:26-27) Have you ever been speechless? Have you ever been in a situation where the only thing you could do was moan or groan, or simply shake your head? The Holy Spirit interprets this to God in exactly the right question – the question you really wanted and needed to ask. God then gives you what you need the most. God always works in your hurt, not only by giving you the answer but also by giving you the question. And that, my friend, is a deal no one should refuse.
Join me Tuesday mornings, as we zoom the big idea from today’s Outdoor Truth.
Gary Miller has written Outdoor Truths articles for 21 years. He has also written five books which include compilations of his articles and a father/son devotional. He also speaks at wild-game dinners and men’s events for churches and associations. Miller can be reached via email at
gary@outdoortruths.org. Stay updated on Outdoor Truths each week by subscribing at Outdoortruths.org.